Both old and young people are at risk of losing their hair. A few key steps can stop or reduce hair loss naturally. No one should have to lose their hair.
Hair loss is something we all deal with at some point in our lives. For some, their hair begins receding during college. For others they are fortunate enough to keep their hair well into their older years.
Hair loss is a natural phenomenon. Each day we lose about 80 to 100 hair strands due to end cycle of your hair. If this is all you notice, a few pieces when brushing, take the below suggestions as preventative measures. If your family has a history of balding, you have a genetic problem that can be fixed. Otherwise, if you are losing hair some environmental cues trigger more hair loss than others.
Stress is the biggest factor. When you get stressed it affects your hair follicles. They begin to die off and fall of. Poor nutrition is another big player. Like your bones and muscles, your hair needs nutrients in order to stay alive. So, what can you do to stop or reduce hair loss naturally?
Stop or Reduce Hair Loss Naturally
When people get stressed, what happens? They tense up and often get a massage to loosen them up. Your head acts the same way. A great practice to prevent hair loss is to massage your head! Massaging your scalp helps remove unnecessary stress built up that causes follicles to fall out. Regular scalp massage is beneficial in other ways too. It promotes blood flow to your hair. This enhanced blood flow allows more nutrients to go to your hair. The result? Thicker, healthier hair. Do this two to three times a week for healthier hair. This article shows you how to give yourself a scalp massage.
You may wonder what kind of oil should be used for scalp massage. There are several options. My personal preference would be coconut oil. It provides antibacterial properties that keep your scalp infection free. The nutrients from the coconut oil can go directly into your hair. Lastly, coconut oil serves as a sealant to prevent moisture from leaving the hair. If you do not have coconut oil handy do not fret. Take some extra virgin olive oil. It is rich in antioxidants and nutrients that provide for stronger, healthier hair.
It is important to manage your stress. Being human, it is not easy and stress is inherent. Everyone has a different way to cope with stress. Some people do meditation. That can be hard around the office. If something is stressing you out try taking a few deep breathes to calm down and slow your heart rate. This will curb the fight or flight response that accompanies periods of stress. The method that works best for me is exercise. Whenever I get stressed with something in life I go for a run or lift. Exercise promotes endorphins which help eliminate the negative responses from stress. Why do I enjoy this method the best? When I am done I am left feeling calm. As a bonus I am doing something that is healthy for my body. It is a win-win!
Your diet also plays a key role to reduce hair loss naturally. There are a few nutrients you should look to incorporate into your diet. For starters, you want to have foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids. This fatty acid increases elasticity of your hair to prevent premature breaking. It also provides nourishment to furnish growth.
Zinc rich foods are also important. Zinc is one of the key culprits to hair loss. Why is this so? Zinc builds proteins and is responsible for hair repair. It also is responsible for regulating hormones that can cause hair loss. Lastly, look for protein dense foods. Your hair is comprised of almost all protein. Therefore, if you do not eat protein how do you expect to have hair?
So if you are looking to stop or reduce hair loss naturally, you are not alone. Currently 56 million people suffer from hair loss in the United States. Prevent this from happening. Doing semi weekly massages with an oil of your choosing. Lower your levels of stress. Eat healthier. All of these are natural ways to get your hair back to its youth stage. The best part is you do not have to worry about poisoning your body with chemicals from chemical methods of treatment.