Supplements for sagging breasts can provide a natural breast lift. Just don’t expect miracles or have unrealistic goals of getting firm breasts in 2 weeks.
There’s a lot of societal pressure to have attractive breasts. And unfortunately, for women of a certain age, namely 40 and above, the ageing process is cruel. Breasts become less perky.
But age alone isn’t the only reason why breasts can lose their firmness and volume. Stress, hormonal changes and weight gain can also cause sagging breasts. So, too, can wearing an ill-fitting bra. There may even be a link between bras and breast cancer.
So what should you do if you want larger, firmer breasts? Should you get cosmetic surgery? You could, but you’ll end up spending a fortune and be out of commission for weeks. And you’ll never know for sure how your breasts will end up looking and feeling after the surgery. That’s a big gamble.
Consider getting a natural breast lift. Although it may not permanently tighten sagging breasts without continual work, it’s a holistic approach.
How to Fix Sagging Breasts Naturally
The process isn’t as simple as taking breast tightening tablets. However, herbal supplements are part of the natural breast enhancement equation.
The strategies for lifting breasts naturally also include breast firming exercises, breast lift massage techniques, and oils.
So let’s take a look at some natural breast enlargement strategies….
Before diving in, though, let’s get a caveat out of the way. If you’re looking to jump from a size A or B cup to a double D, immediately call a plastic surgeon. Natural breast enhancement is subtle and takes lots of time–weeks, if not months–to see positive outcomes.
But for those who are willing to do the work and have realistic expectations, that is, noticeably firmer and slightly larger breasts (or at least in appearance if not actual growth), these following tips may help….
Exercises To Lift Breasts
“You must, you must, you must improve your bust.”
Remember that juvenile song from childhood? Well, instead of relying on the magic of a push-up bra to make your saggy breasts appear perkier and fuller, try hitting the gym.
You can actually do some home-based exercises that can give your breasts a natural lift to make them appear larger. Yoga is great for building up your chest muscles. If you already have small but perky breasts, yoga might not help make your breasts look bigger, but yoga is a great form of exercise anyway.
Specifically, the exercise, “Chaturanga,” can help tonify breast tissue. And this exercise is really simple. Just get into a plank position like you’re about to do the downward phase of a pushup. If you don’t have sufficient upper body strength, you can drop your knees to the ground.
To perform the exercise, first, make sure your hands are in line with your shoulders. Slowly lower to the ground using your abdominal strength to help power through the movement. When you get a couple inches from the ground, lift your head and chest and straighten your arms. You can drop your knees to the ground. You’ll feel your chest muscles both strengthen and stretch. Try to repeat 5-7 times.
Old-fashioned push-ups strengthen the breast tissue as well as preventing sagging.
Natural Breast Augmentation With weights
Sorry, but those two-pound dumbbells you have won’t do the trick. In order to make your breasts less saggy, you need to lift at least moderately heavy weights. Bench presses and chest flyes from multiple angles may provide a nice shape to your chest muscles.
In weightlifting, there’s a term called “hypertrophy.” You may know the term “atrophy,” like when you break an arm and your arm muscles atrophy. Hypertrophy is the opposite.
And to achieve hypertrophy, that is, enlarging the muscle tissue, you’ll need to lift a weight you can do only about 10-12 times.
If you can easily do 20 reps or more, that’s great for endurance but not beneficial for firming up breast tissue. And when you do firm up your breast tissue, it may appear that your breasts are slightly larger.
To better target the muscle fibers of the upper chest, make sure to use an incline bench. If you can commit to lifting weights for natural breast augmentation, try to do dumbbell bench press or barbell bench presses at least twice a week.
Breast Firming Supplements
Again, augmenting your breasts naturally is not as simple as taking a magical tablet. But can supplements help?
Some formulas claim that certain herbs can indeed promote breast tissue growth. In particular, herbs frequently used to naturally enhance the breasts include:
- Saw palmetto
- Chaste-tree berry
- Black cohosh
- Watercress
- Hops
- Blessed thistle
- Damiana
- Fennel
- Buckwheat
- Wild Yam
What is it about these herbs that some people claim can augment breasts naturally? Well, it’s these same herbs that are used to promote lactation in breastfeeding women. Moreover, these herbs contain plant estrogens. Estrogen may, under the right conditions, enlarge breast tissue.
According to, a website dedicated to natural breast enhancement, buckwheat contains an antioxidant called rutin. Rutin strengthens the capillaries and improves circulation. Other herbs in the above list also improve circulation. Improved blood flow in breast tissue isn’t going to dramatically increase your breast size but it may help prevent breast sagging.
What about collagen supplements for sagging breasts?
Some of the herbal formulas may also help regenerate your collagen which is the protein in your bodily tissues that provides structure. But can collagen help sagging breasts?
If your collagen isn’t regenerated from collagen supplements or diet (bone broth is best for collagen regeneration) your breasts may sag.
Now if you look at the herbal list above, you might notice hops. Yes, it’s the same hops in beer. Dark beer is especially rich in hops. That’s why lactating women are encouraged to drink a little bit of oatmeal stout. Hops contain an especially-rich plant estrogen.
But there’s one thing you need to consider before buying hundreds of dollars worth of supplements or natural breast enhancement formulas. There’s no definitive clinical research that proves these herbs can boost breast size.
In fact, the author of this published abstract says “the use of bust-enhancing products should be discouraged because of lack of evidence for efficacy and long-term safety concerns.”
Natural Breast Enhancement Using Breast Pumps
Rule one if you’re going to use breast pumps: don’t use lactation breast pumps. There are breast pumps especially for natural breast lift.
Breast pumps work by so-called ‘distractive mechanical forces.’ And there is a small study that suggests breast pumps work. The study involves 17 healthy women, although all of them are under 40.
Wearing a bra-like vacuum 10-12 hours per day over 10 weeks, breast size, breast tissue and other factors were measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. The scans were obtained in the same phase of the menstrual cycle.
The results: breast size increased in all women who completed the study.
Non-Invasive Procedures for a Natural Breast Lift
A cosmetic surgical center offers a non-invasive procedure called AirSculpt. This procedure takes your fat from your abdomen via liposuction and then transfers the fat into the breasts. Technically, this isn’t a natural breast lift, but it is a viable alternative to implant surgery.
Actually, this procedure is somewhat natural because it’s taking your own body’s natural tissue to increase breast size. Furthermore, the procedure seems more modest than implants because it will only bump your breast size one cup or so.
Breast Tightening Oil
What are the “breast” (pun intended) firming oils for a natural breast lift? Many essential oils can improve blood circulation and enhance body tissues. This beauty website recommends almond, orange, geranium, olive, ylang ylang, lemongrass, carrot seed, and fenugreek seed oils. The website sells a formula containing these oils.
Borage and avocado oils are also popular for breast massage. If your new to breast massage, almond oil is probably a great starter oil for you.
There are dozens of other breast tightening oil blends and recipes. One particular remedy calls for Vitamin E, honey and egg white as a breast tightening mask:
How to Enlarge Breasts With Massage
Massaging your breasts will increase the blood flow to your tissues. This will result in firmer skin tone. Again, the name of the game is not jumping up two cup sizes; it’s increased circulation for firmer breasts.
In general, you’ll want to massage your breasts with gentle circular movements. Try for at least 10 minutes a day, especially before you go to sleep. Use any oil in the list above. Work up to 20 minutes. Be diligent with massaging your breasts on a daily basis. For best results, massage them twice a day, morning and night.
You’ll want to use the palms of your hand. To make it meditative, count the number of circular rotations. You’ll likely hit around 500. Or, if counting doesn’t sound meditative, simply set a timer or self-massage your breasts while watching a 30-minute show.
Just be aware that you can get caught up in the moment and forget to massage your breasts. Ideally, you can do it while taking a luxurious bath, listening to relaxing “yoga-studio” soundtracks.
For those dog days of summer, or, if you’re having menopausal hot flashes, you can also try ice massaging for a few minutes at a time.
Regardless of what method you try, you should massage inwards towards the heart. Do not massage outwards. And also try to avoid the nipples.
If massaging your own breasts doesn’t sound like fun, have a partner do it.
The bottom line about breast massage: there are several different techniques. ( has an excellent description of the different styles.) Choose one that suits you and stick to it daily.
Who knows? After awhile, you just might notice you’ve given yourself a natural breast lift.
Other Natural Beauty Remedies
Want a few more ideas on how to enhance your skin and body? Take a look at some of these posts too: