An oatmeal bath isn’t hard at all to make and it’s even easier to enjoy. There is no time like the present to get started on this super simple DIY bath recipe for relaxation with benefits.
The best part about taking a bath with added natural ingredients is that it’s really not that hard to recreate on your very own. And when you add in colloidal oatmeal you’ll nourish your skin and relieve rashes or itching.
If you follow these simple tips and easy directions, you’ll maximize the benefits. And you’ll be able to alleviate any type of itching, irritation or dry skin issues that you might be having naturally.
What is an oatmeal bath?
Very simply put, it’s a relaxing way to help with a wide variety of skin issues. From children to adults, everyone can find some sort of comfort by using and trying out this type of bath.
It’s a quick and affordable way to provide relief and comfort for skin issues that can be downright annoying to have to deal with. So keep a good supply of oatmeal in the bathroom for when you need it!
How to prepare and take the bath
Honestly, this is the best part. The bath isn’t difficult to do at all and can be done multiple times during the day without the worry of doing any sort of further damage or drying out of your skin.
For this DIY bath recipe, simply fill up your tub with warm water and dump in the colloidal oatmeal. And if you can’t find the right oatmeal, you can look for the Aveeno brand made just for bathing. Once you pour in the oatmeal, mix the flakes into the water.
Then, soak yourself in this mixture for several moments of time. More than likely, you’ll start noticing some immediate relief within minutes of submerging in the oatmeal water.
What does an oatmeal bath do?
Colloidal oatmeal can actually help with a lot of skincare issues. Taking an Aveeno bath may help with sunburn itch relief or even be a great option for relieving itching from dry skin, too. Many people also use a product like this for hives as well.
The bath can help to dry out the itchy patches quicker and also help to moisturize the areas of the skin that are overly dry.
Benefits of the bath
Using oatmeal in a bath can have some fantastic benefits. These include:
- Softening the skin
- Provide relief for shingles
- Moisturizing the skin
- Creating a barrier for the skin to protect from outside elements
- Relieve itching associated with eczema and other skin conditions
- Provide an all-natural solution for rashes and skin irritations that is safe for all ages
You can also use the same mixture with less water to make an oatmeal mask for facial skin care as well
Using Oatmeal in a Bath for Dogs
Did you know that you can even use it for dogs as well? When I say it’s a safe way to help skincare issues, this is true for animal use as well.
Using this skincare remedy on your pup can help to relieve them of any type of scratching issues, too. If you notice that your dog is scratching over and over again, you can just try and see if giving them a quick bath can help!
When dogs are scratching all the time everyone just assumes that they might have fleas but that isn’t always the case. Dogs can get dry skin very easily as well, so this is just one way that you can provide them with some relief.
Using it for Diaper Rash
Yep, you guessed it! You can even make a sort of oatmeal type paste from oatmeal that could work as a diaper rash too. Or, just dab on some of the bath water to that adorable baby rump and see if that can help alleviate some of those horrible diaper rash symptoms.
You may find that it provides a great deal of relief for your baby’s tiny tush.
As you can see, taking a bath is an easy and effective way to alleviate a lot of various skincare issues. And the best part? It’s something that you can easily do at home as well.
The next time that you or someone in your family is experiencing itching, hives or just needs relief from some other sort of annoying skin issue, give an oatmeal bath a try! You just might find out that it’s one of the quickest and easiest ways to find the comfort that you’re needing and looking for.
Have you ever used this remedy before? Let us know in the comments how it worked out for you.