Most people know that eating too much sugar can cause weight gain. But do you know about the sugar immune system relationship? We all know that having too much sugar is bad for you. How bad is it? Without doubt, having too much ice cream, cakes and cookies can make your pants feel extra snug Continue Reading >>
How Stress Weakens Immune System
Busy with work? Losing sleep over school? Staying out with friends all hours of the night? Learn how stress weakens immune system functions. Everyone is stressed. We live busy lives. Our culture has evolved to be fast paced. This means we cannot control our exposure to stress. Stress has a Continue Reading >>
Immune System Boosting Foods
Looking to stay sick free this winter? Being crammed indoors makes it difficult to stay away from sickness. Try these immune system boosting foods! Winter is infamously known as cold and flu season. The days are shorter. People receive less Vitamin D. Everyone gets crammed inside. People exercise Continue Reading >>
Astragalus Root: Immune System Booster
Looking for a natural immune system booster? Want to fight off the cold and flu? Consider using astragalus root to keep your immune system strong! Cold season is in full swing. This means people are closer together and diseases spread more quickly. Worst of all, your immune system takes a heavy Continue Reading >>
Aloe Vera Internal Use Benefits
Aloe vera internal use benefits include stabilizing your body pH and providing essential minerals. It's not just for happier, healthier skin after sunburn. Aloe Vera is known for its skin benefits. What happens when you get a sunburn? Typically you buy a bottle of aloe. Or, pull aloe from your Continue Reading >>
Probiotics Pros and Cons – What you need to know
Probiotics seem to be a great way to boost your immune system. However, some people seem to be sensitive to them. Let's examine probiotics pros and cons. Have you been to the grocery store? Notice labels containing "probiotics"? They are common in the dairy aisle. They are found in yogurt, Continue Reading >>
Natural Immune System Boosters
Natural immune system boosters can be taken to prevent illness or speed up recovery when sick. Here's a list of the top 5 supplements. Going into the winter months means it is flu season again. Everyone around you at work, school, and throughout the house is getting sick. No one wants to Continue Reading >>
Vitamin D Important Functions for Health
What are the vitamin D important functions for health? Vitamin D is needed for healthy bones and to help you fight off infections by boosting immune system. Typically, humans do not make their own sources of energy like plants do. Rather, we consume nutrients found in food sources or Continue Reading >>
Breastfeeding Benefits for Baby
Unsure whether you want to breastfeed your baby? Breast milk is much healthier than formula milk. Let's look at the top 5 breastfeeding benefits for baby. Wondering which is better, formula or breast milk? Studies have increasingly shown a trend that breast milk is much better for the health Continue Reading >>
Vitamin D and Flu Season
Is there a relationship between vitamin D and flu season? Studies show that low levels of vitamin D in winter due to low sun exposure lead to flu outbreaks. The flu, known as influenza, is a respiratory infection caused by a virus infection of the nose, throat, and lungs. Influenza is most Continue Reading >>