Are you curious about what the organic and natural mattress benefits are? With so much time spent sleeping, be sure it’s in a healthy environment!
Almost 1/3 of your lifespan is spent on a mattress. Even more time is spent with pillows. If you invest so much of your life with a mattress and pillow, why not think more about it?
Many people do not think much of their bed when buying one. They look for comfort. They typically do not look into what a mattress and pillow are made of. People spend thousands of dollars for a “comfy” bed. Yet, they may be paying a lot more for impending health issues.
I did not know natural mattresses existed. I was building my baby sister’s bed and found it out. My mom told me they were very beneficial. My curiosity sparked, so naturally I did some research. Below are the natural mattress benefits as well as benefits to using organic pillows that I found.
Natural Mattress Benefits
Organic mattresses are better. They are healthier. They are better for the environment. They lead to better sleep. How is this so? Normal mattresses are full of chemicals. Most common are PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) and boric acid. Over time these chemicals are released into the air. This process is called off-gassing.
You may wonder the purpose of these chemicals is? They serve as fire-retardants. Surprising enough, they are mandated by the United States government. PBDEs are being cycled out in Europe. Many tests found them to be highly toxic.
The EPA and the CDC claim boric acid to yield reproductive and neurological defects. If you use a regular mattress, fumes are being inhaled by YOU every time you sleep. These fire retardants have other proven health effects. They increase the risk for ADHD as well as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
So what are the benefits of natural pillows and mattresses? For one, they are extremely healthy. The wool in them serves as a natural fire retardant. Thus, no harmful chemicals are used.
Furthermore, with natural materials there is no off-gassing. This means you do not inhale toxic gasses. Organic mattresses are also anti-microbial. They also scare away dust mites. This is great for people who have sensitive airways. Also great if you have asthma or allergies.
Why else are natural mattresses a better alternative? They are much better for the environment. As with pillows. They are made of natural rubber, natural wool, and natural cotton.
Natural rubber does not hurt the environment. Sap is tapped from the heart of rubber trees and the trees are able to heal themselves rather quickly. Organic cotton also benefits the environment.
Cotton uses some of the strongest pesticides on the planet. To make one t-shirt, about 1/3 of a pound of pesticides are used. By using organic cotton we prevent the harm caused from these pesticides. Lastly, natural wool is another renewable resource. The sheep are not killed for their wool but rather are sheered each year.
The natural mattress benefits along with using natural pillows make them great options that are healthier and environmentally friendly. Do you want to spend 1/3 of your life inhaling toxic chemicals? Do you want to reduce the planets resources? If you said no to both you should consider getting a natural mattress and pillow.
The health effects are proven and the benefits to the environment are numerous! And, you don’t have to spend a lot! Check out this reasonably priced option available on Amazon.