Colloidal silver is a popular alternative remedy for many ailments and it’s been used for thousands of years. Should you use colloidal silver for acne?
Can colloidal silver even work for acne? Most people who use silver do so for colds. But silver for pimples? Really? And if you do use it for an acne treatment, is it better to swallow it or apply topically?
That’s an important question. Silver is one of the most controversial alternative health remedies. After all, silver is a metal. And it can accumulate in your tissues. In fact, take too much of it, and it can make your skin turn blue. This is why some health experts and medical organizations caution against its use.
Nonetheless, for at least a few thousand years, silver has been used to treat a variety of ailments.
Modern research confirms silver’s ability to fight viruses, bacteria and fungus. In addition, silver seems to be like kryptonite for cancer cells.
Many antibiotics do not work anymore. That’s because superbug bacteria are resistant to them. Thus, silver has been suggested as a natural alternative to antibiotics.
What is colloidal silver?
Before addressing colloidal silver for acne, let’s review facts about silver. Colloidal silver are microscopic particles in pure water. The particles are so small they are nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are several times smaller than the width of a human hair.
Colloidal silver a “suspended” solution. The silver is suspended in microscopic size in pure water. Most often, colloidal silver comes in liquid form. However, it’s also available as creams, gels and even soap.
Silver at low amounts can kill harmful bacteria and viruses. But when in use correctly, it won’t harm complex organisms. Like yourself. That is, unless, you are like most people and tend to overdo it. That’s why a lot of caution comes with taking silver. People have a tendency to ignore instructions. So if you do ultimately decide to use colloidal silver for acne, make sure to take the safe amount (more on that below).
Supposedly, people who eat with silver plates, forks, spoons and knives get sick less often. Or, at least that was the theory back in the day before antibiotics. Whether this is true is hard to determine.
However, modern use of colloidal silver doesn’t have backing by the mainstream. In fact, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has this to say about it:
“There are no high quality studies on the health effects of taking colloidal silver, but we do have good evidence of its dangers.”
Yikes. That’s not a ringing endorsement. But wait, there’s more skepticism.
“Claims made about the health benefits of taking colloidal silver aren’t backed up by studies.”
Furthermore, NIH says “Silver has no known function or benefits in the body when taken by mouth.”
Is there a Silver Lining Here? (Excuse the pun)
Yes, there is. Topical silver, says the NIH, when used on the skin, rather than swallowed has some appropriate medical uses. This includes using it in a bandage to treat burns, wounds or skin infections.
In addition, topical silver, says NIH, can prevent conjunctivitis in newborns.
As you can see above, topical silver can help heal the skin. And with acne, it’s no different. Acne is bad bacteria oozing out of the skin. Colloidal silver is anti-bacterial in nature.
But before you figure out where to buy colloidal silver for acne, here’s some more advice.
Recognize the root causes of acne. For starters, diet is a possibility. Do you eat lots of foods with high fructose corn syrup? Or other artificial sweeteners? What about the cosmetics you use? Do they contain xenoestrogens? Are your hormones not in balance? Do you have insufficient stomach acid? Do your gut not have enough good bacteria?
These causes can cause acne. Acne is a mirror of what’s going on internally. Take the case with gut bacteria. If your gut has too much bad bacteria, some of that bacteria can make its presence known in the form of acne.
So how does colloidal silver for acne work?
For the same reason medical devices contain silver: to prevent bacteria from accumulating.
Acne represents bateria that’s already accumulated. However, colloidal silver can kill this bacteria.
Colloidal Silver on Face
When dead skin cells and oil clog pores, acne results. Colloidal silver can clear acne. Want to know where to buy colloidal silver for pimples? Make sure it’s topical colloidal silver. A good topical silver can halt not only existing acne, but it may also prevent new pimples.
Colloidal Silver Acne Scars
You won’t see colloidal silver listed as a medical product by the FDA. On the contrary, if you’re wondering where to buy colloidal silver, make sure the one you purchase has no medical claims. That’s because the FDA determined that colloidal silver is dietary supplement. However, silver products can not make claims of curing anything. This includes acne.
Acne scarring is usually indicative of pimples sticking around for a long time. Essentially, acne scars are indicative of bad skin bacteria living on your face rent free. Can colloidal silver help with acne scars? There’s no scientific proof it can. However, there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence it works.
Colloidal Silver Face Cream
Again, colloidal silver topical applications have some medical backing. But not internal silver. Therefore, if you want to know where to buy colloidal silver for acne, use a topical solution. Like a face cream. However, remember this important fact: if you want to avoid turning blue, follow the label directions. Use a topical application of a 10 ppm (parts-per-million) colloidal silver face cream. Use it no more than two times per day. Better to be safe than blue.
Where to buy Colloidal Silver: Author’s Success Story
I am a student-athlete in an intense Electrical Engineering program. The stress of being a student-athlete can wear down the immune system.
During my fall semester last year, this was especially true.
After only a week of being back in school, I was experiencing pounding headaches and inflammation in my neck. The only thing I was taking for my symptoms was ibuprofen once a day. I was not taking any supplements or medication. And despite visiting my school’s Health Services, my headahes and inflammation were showing no signs of abating.
At the health clinic, the doctor’s diagnosis: “You don’t have a concussion.”
Thanks for telling me what I already know, I was thinking to myself. What I really wanted to know was whether I had a bacterial or viral infection. The doctor was advising me to continue taking ibuprofen to reduce the swelling. However, taking ibuprofen for long periods of time can eat away the stomach lining.
After 10 days, my condition was deteriorating. The swollen lymph nodes in my neck showed no signs of abating. Intuitively, I knew a virus wasn’t causing my inflammation.
Because I could not get to an off campus doctor, my mom, who is savvy in alternative medicine, sent me this bottle of colloidal silver from If you’re wondering where to buy colloidal silver, I highly recommend it.
I took the solution as directed. Within 36 hours my headaches disappeared. Moreover, after a few days, the swelling in my neck subsided. My lymph nodes were returning to normal size. As to what sort of bacterial infection caused my condition, I am not sure. However, whatever the cause, colloidal silver restored my health.
As a result, I began to research colloidal silver and its health benefits, in addition to its antiviral effects. I became curious about using colloidal silver for acne.
Applying Silver to your Face
Speaking of which, during the winter of my freshman year, I contracted mat herpes from a wrestling tournament. Consequently, I suffered an outbreak every few weeks. The worst part about mat herpes for me was this….
I was unable to hide the symptoms of the outbreaks. Most of my face broke out.
I decided to continue the silver as a daily supplement, to see if it could curb my outbreaks. Remarkably, it has. I’m going on a year now without having a single outbreak. I find this remarkable. I am glad that I found colloidal silver to boost my immunity. This supplement is an essential item in my alternative medicine cabinet.