Elderflower tea benefits include support for colds and flu. But how does it compare to the more popular elderberry syrup? Can cold and flu prevention be as simple as sipping a cup of hot tea? Quick one-question pop quiz: what’s the difference between elderflower vs elderberry? The answer: Continue Reading >>
Organic Dandelion Root Tea Benefits: Science Backed?
Organic dandelion root tea benefits include everything from improving lactation to killing aggressive cancer cells. It’s been used for at least a couple thousand years in Chinese medicine. If you love herbal tea, make room for this one in your pantry. Move over green matcha tea. Sure, your Continue Reading >>
Chickweed Tea: A Potential Herbal Cure For Obesity?
Drinking chickweed tea might help you lose weight. Especially if your weight gain is caused by hormone replacement therapy or progesterone creams. There’s research to support the use of this herb for its anti-obesity effects and other health benefits. Is weed the answer to weight loss? No, Continue Reading >>
Yarrow Tea Benefits: Reasons to keep it in the pantry
Take a look at the yarrow tea benefits and you'll want to keep it stocked in your pantry. This tea comes from one of the most storied medicinal plants in history. If you’ve never heard of it, come see what modern research shows. Got indigestion? Ditch the antacid. Instead, drink some yarrow Continue Reading >>
Is tea for UTI an effective herbal remedy?
Can herbal teas really relieve a painful urinary tract infection? If so, what's the best tea for UTI to drink? Going to the bathroom is normal. It’s critical for health. You eliminate toxins when you urinate. However, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are painful. Every trip to the bathroom is a Continue Reading >>
Caffeine Free Benefits of Quitting Coffee
Thinking about quitting coffee? Or giving up energy drinks or soda? What are the caffeine free benefits of giving up coffee or other caffeinated drinks? The artificial chemicals in popular energy drinks and soda are, of course, bad for your health. But is the caffeine bad? Does it matter if the Continue Reading >>
Thyme Herb Tea Benefits and How to Make
The thyme herb tea benefits have been known for ages. Drinking this magical tea may provide relief for many ailments. Make the switch from coffee! Meet the herb that is sure to become your best friend. It is commonly said that the thyme plant is the cure all herb when it comes to ailments of Continue Reading >>